PDF::Writer and Ruby on Rails 2.1
Some days ago, Ruby On Rails 2.1 saw the light of day and as usual, i eagerly updated my Daily Fratze project.
I had some minor problems due to an old version of will_paginate and some major ones with my use of PDF::Writer.
The PDF::Writer library still works very well but the the instructions here (under PDF::Writer (Austin Ziegler) on how the register an “rpdf” template handler don’t apply anymore due to changes in the Rails template system but can easily be fixed:
In environment.rb change
ActionView::Base.register_template_handler 'rpdf', ActionView::PDFRender |
ActionView::Template.register_template_handler 'rpdf', ActionView::PDFRender |
And also change your ActionView::PDFRender class to:
module ActionView # :nodoc: require 'pdf/writer' class PDFRender PAPER = 'A4' include ApplicationHelper include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper def initialize(action_view) @action_view = action_view end # Render the PDF def render(template, local_assigns = {}) @action_view.controller.headers["Content-Type"] ||= 'application/pdf' # Retrieve controller variables @action_view.controller.instance_variables.each do |v| instance_variable_set(v, @action_view.controller.instance_variable_get(v)) end pdf = ::PDF::Writer.new( :paper => PAPER ) pdf.compressed = true if RAILS_ENV != 'development' eval template.source, nil, "#{@action_view.base_path}/#{@action_view.first_render}.#{@action_view.finder.pick_template_extension(@action_view.first_render)}" pdf.render end def self.compilable? false end def compilable? self.class.compilable? end end end |
And enjoy happy PDF generation 😉