Upgrading to WordPress 2.3 “Dexter”

In the first place, i wanted to wait to here some more news about the latest release of WordPress, called “Dexter” (I don’t think about some saxophonist, but about Dexter Morgan). But, as you know, curiosity killed the cat, i couldn’t wait and with the announcement yesterday, i created a patch file (they forgot the link at wordpress.org) and patched my blog.

As danger is my second name, i didn’t backup or anything especially for upgrading (ok, honestly i have a nightly cron’ed backup) and run the patch with

patch -p2  diff-from-tags_2.2.3-r6166-to-tags_2.3-r6166.diff.txt

from my install dir and boom, i had 2.3 (get the patch file at the wordpress trac (for upgrading 2.2.3 to 2.3)).

Things, that didn’t work but didn’t break the blog either were: Ultimate Tag Warrior. It’s still there and still working. Things that didn’t work were my theme and the Extended Live Archives by Sons Of Skadi.

For testing purpose, i completely disabled wp-cache.

Luckily, someone had already patched ELA, you can download a modified version here, see it in action here. Be aware, you also need the original release from above. Before this thingy works, you need to clean it’s cache. Otherwise you’ll get some weird error messages.

Things i need to fix in my theme were UTW related. I imported my tags into the new taxonomic scheme and finally, dumped the warrior. The import worked well, but it killed the blanks in tags and replaced them with underscores. Thanks for that :/

I did the following replacement in my theme:

Purpose UTW WP
Show the current selected tag in archive view
Show the tags for the current post
the_tags('',', ');
Create a tag cloud

The arguments to the functions corresponds with my former UTW settings. Speaking of which: WordPress 2.3 tagging system is completely naked. There are no settings and what is worse, there is no such thing as a dropdown thingy while writing, just a plain text field. As a first solution, i’ve tried the Advanced Tag Entry WordPress Plugin. Seems to work fine, but not as comfortable like UTW.

All other plugins i use, seem to work fine:

Advanced Tag Entry 1.02
Akismet 2.0.2
Chunk Urls for WordPress 2.0
Extended Live Archives 0.10beta-r18 (patched version)
FeedStats 3.0
Google Adsense widget 1.0
Google XML Sitemaps 3.0
Math Comment Spam Protection 2.1
Related Posts 2.04
Share This 1.4
Simple Trackback Validation 2.1
Subscribe To Comments 2.1.1
Tag cloud widget 1.0a (modified by myself)
Time Zone 2.2
wp-cache 2.1.2
WP-Syntax 0.6

In the meantime, i have the impression that 2.3 is somewhat slower than 2.2.3, but i can be wrong.

I’m in doubt about upgrading my other blog planet-punk.de. I like and do use tags a lot, but for the time being, the greatest db scheme doesn’t help a somewhat unusable ui. Don’t get me wrong, i really like the changes in the scheme going on, but for now, i see little benefit.

Another nice post with the same title as mine has some suggestions for people who ran into problems: read it at the Weblog Tools Collection.

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Grails 0.6: Modifying JavaScript Libraries

Grails has a good mechanism for including JavaScript Libraries to do all that fance Ajax stuff. It all starts with:

<g:javascript library="scripaculous" />

Library can be one of yahoo, prototype, dojo, scriptaculous or rico. It’s a nice fact, that Grails doesn’t force you to use any special of these.

I wanted to change the included javascript source files (I use yahoo and wanted to get the latest release from their servers). In Grails 0.5.6 the core plugins were copied to $APP_HOME/plugins and i could modifiy them inplace. Grails 0.6 cleaned up some stuff so that the core plugins do not flood into the application tree.

I could hack the Grails source files or i can just modify the static member LIBRARY_MAPPINGS in JavascriptTagLib while starting up the application like so:

BootStrap.groovy in $APP_HOME/grails-app/conf

class BootStrap {
     def init = { servletContext ->        
          org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib.JavascriptTagLib.LIBRARY_MAPPINGS.yahoo + ['anylibrary_file_you_want.js', 'anylibrary_file_you_want2.js', 'etc.js']
     def destroy = {

Furthermore, Grails 0.6 introduced the “base” attribute to g:javascript. Base denotes the full path that is prepend to the library file in question. So its possible to use any js file from wherever you want.

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Comment notification

I use Subscribe to Comments on all my wordpress blogs, even before Tante had askes so nicely for it…

The plugin broke with WP 2.2, if you try to change you subscriptions, you ended up with the following message: “You may not access this page without a valid key.”.

So please all your WordPress users who updated to 2.2 (you really should do this!), get the latest version of Subscribe to Comments here for satisfied readers and subscribers ๐Ÿ˜‰

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