Apple delays Leopard release until October

Damn, i was looking forward to install Leopard in my vacancy… But it seems it’s not gonna happen:

“We can’t wait until customers get their hands (and fingers) on it and experience what a revolutionary and magical product it is,” Apple said. “However, iPhone contains the most sophisticated software ever shipped on a mobile device, and finishing it on time has not come without a price — we had to borrow some key software engineering and QA resources from our Mac OS X team, and as a result we will not be able to release Leopard at our Worldwide Developers Conference in early June as planned.”

Apple Insider

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Mint 2.x advanced preferences

I use Mint for two domains. One 1.x version and a newer 2.x version. I wasn’t pleased, that the option to keep the databasesize under a certain limit was removed from preferences in version 2.x. Also, the possibility of limiting individual visitor statistics was gone…

Today i stumbled upon admartinator. Obviously a mac user, he is also minted…

If you click on your mint preferences, append a &advanced to the url and the two options are back in the game.

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WordPress and UTW Upgrade

Why on earth has my ‘post_type’ column on my wp 2.0.x based blog no default value? Ultimate Tag Warrior UTW3-14159265 will break and show no tags.

If anyone else has this problem, add

$typelimitsql = "(post_status = 'publish' OR post_status = 'static')";  // From previous version of utw

in ultimate-tag-warrior-core.php right before the class definition. It’s taken from the previous UTW Version.

Upgrading to WP 2.1.x changed the table structure… A little hint would have been nice in the utw changelog.

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