Update: The plugin is now hosted on Mojohaus, has a new artefact id and thus is automatically available in Maven without to having to supply the group id. I updated the snippets below. The latest version displays also the versions of the plugins being used. I recently stumbled upon the buildplan-maven-plugin and I find it […]
“Oh please no, Michael, not Sport content here”… Well, sorry, it’s my blog and right now I don’t have a much better place for it. Bear with me, though, there will be some cool database querying later on. In late 2024 I stumbled upon No Rest for the Wicked 2025 and the idea is simple, […]
Last week I came across a Twitter thread about using stored procedures or in other words, user defined functions in databases. Every myth about them has already been debunked like 13 years ago in this excellent post: Mythbusters: Stored Procedures Edition. I can completely get behind it, but also like some personal thoughts and share […]
I have started working with a small team on an exciting project at Neo4j. The project is about database connectivity (what else) and we use Testcontainers in our integration tests, asserting the actual network connectivity and eventually the API. The thing we are creating should of course also work when being compiled as part of […]
I am working since 2018 for Neo4j. At Neo4j I maintain both Spring Data Neo4j and Neo4j-OGM, both object mappers and entity managers for our database product. This is a great job in a great company with awesome colleagues such as my friends Gerrit and Michael. Some other projects I created on the job are […]