November has been a crazy month. Even though I joined Ralf in his Movember team and grew a mustache, I visited the JUG Münster at LVM Münster and gave my talk about SQL once again in a slightly updated version: It felt very good being part of innoQ on this occasion. Also very nice was […]
Available since Java 1.5 is the nice helper class EnumSet and I still find code like this way to often: public class Foo { enum Thing { A, B, C } public static final Set<Thing> THINGS = new HashSet<>(); static { THINGS.add(Thing.A); THINGS.add(Thing.B); THINGS.add(Thing.C); } }public class Foo { enum Thing { A, B, […]
This post has been featured on This Week in Spring – November 28th, 2017. Lately I have been preparing a small project called simple-meetup that I plan to use for different purposes. You’ll find the repository at GitHub: It’s the first project where I used Gradle very intensive and I like my build file […]
This year, time flies. Writing this post at about 7pm, it’s already dark. October had some brilliant moments regarding weather and I enjoyed the golden autumn very much. As announced last month, I send the “final” manuscript of Spring Boot Buch to dpunkt.verlag in the last week of September. 2 weeks later, I received three […]
As the keen reader may have noticed, there hasn’t been an August summary about the work on Spring Boot Buch. There have been several reasons: At the end of July I gave in the manuscript for lecturing at dpunkt.verlag. After that, I took all holiday I had left at my current company and went on […]