For the last 6 months i’ve been archiving all my paper work (OCR’ing and than trashing it) to a personal documents repository. There are some document managers out there but every single one felt like overkill to me, so i just stick to a pretty simple directory structure which is enough for me. Although i […]
I’ve had a lot of URL spam (bots testing URLs for weaknesses and exploits). They haven’t been successful but i have configured my system to send me an e-mail when exceptions occurs and there have a been a lot of e-mails. I wanted a simple solution with the following features: No additional packages to install […]
Just a short post without further explanation. Pretty printing xml in Oracle 10g and 11g differences quite a bit: 10g: SELECT XMLTYPE('<html><body><p>Hallo, Welt.</p></body></html>’).extract(’/’) FROM dual;select XMLTYPE(‘<html><body><p>Hallo, Welt.</p></body></html>’).extract(‘/’) from dual; 11g: SELECT XMLSERIALIZE(Document XMLTYPE('<html><body><p>Hallo, Welt.</p></body></html>’) AS CLOB INDENT SIZE = 2) FROM dual;select XMLSERIALIZE(Document XMLTYPE(‘<html><body><p>Hallo, Welt.</p></body></html>’) as CLOB INDENT SIZE = 2) from dual;
I recently noticed that the combobox item on an jQuery UI autocomplete grows way beyond the textfield input which is kinda ugly. This is how i fix it (that is, make it as width as the input item): $.extend($.ui.autocomplete.prototype.options, { open: function(event, ui) { $(this).autocomplete("widget").css({ "width": ($(this).width() + "px") }); } });$.extend($.ui.autocomplete.prototype.options, { open: function(event, […]
Note: You’ll find the complete working sources here: Vaadin-SpringSecurityViewProvider. Finally, the 2nd post in my Vaadin & Spring series. This time about describing, instantiating and managing views with and through Spring Security. I’m a big fan of Spring Security as it is – at least for my purposes – incredible easy to add some long […]