Some things are not really different in Rails and Grails world. The pendant to Rails’ respond_to method is Grails withFormat block. Both are supposed to render a different content type as requested according to the accept header and and the format parameter. And both fail to some extend with Internet Explorer 5.5 to 7.0. For […]
if you want something done right, do it yourself If you happen to use the mint tracking tool like me, be careful when migrating from a 32bit to a 64bit server or vice versa. Mint saves ip addresses and a buttload of checksums as signed long values. That bites you right in the ass when […]
I recently switch from a mod_proxy / thin setup to Phusion Passenger and my application started to do the funniest things and the production.log was full with errors related to memcached. It seems, that passengers spawn method “smart” isn’t compatible with memcached. Within seconds on a lightly loaded server the cache gets corrupted big time. […]
What can cause this snippet to fail: <% if !@day.user.is_rateable? # Workaround für Darstellungsfehler mit Tabellen ohne Bodies im Safari %> <!– blah –> <% end %><% if !@day.user.is_rateable? # Workaround für Darstellungsfehler mit Tabellen ohne Bodies im Safari %> <!– blah –> <% end %> This little snippet fell apart today. I don’t know […]
Ruby on Rails I18n infrastructure did a great job to internationalization in Rails applications. Most things work right out of the box. Daily Fratze is fully internationalized and i wanted to use ordinal day numbers in the English version. Pity, there is no template for strftime that works that way. As i already hat monkey […]