Graeme was so kind to help me with this problem. My app worked well with Grails 1.0.4 but not in 1.1-beta3 any more. My first wild guess leading to a HibernateException: contains is not valid without active transactionHibernateException: contains is not valid without active transaction exception was my use of annotated Hibernate classes together with […]
Just some snippets from the doku that I tend to forget: Run grails on a different port: grails -Dserver.port=9090 run-appgrails -Dserver.port=9090 run-app Run grails with a different environment: grails prod run-app // production grails -Dgrails.env=mycustomenv run-app // mycustomenvgrails prod run-app // production grails -Dgrails.env=mycustomenv run-app // mycustomenv
Worlds collide: Oracle and Sun JDK. Perfect start to ruin a not so bad Monday morning. Background: Need to have a Tomcat Server deployed on a Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 system. I was happy, when i saw a tomcat5 package in the repositories. Great, i thought. All i need. Well. Not. Under Windows you’ll get […]
I found no fancy graphical xml validator on OS X, but this isn’t a problem. OS X includes libxml which comes with xmllint. To validate a xml file against a schema: xmllint –noout –schema sitemap.xsd sitemap.xmlxmllint –noout –schema sitemap.xsd sitemap.xml