All posts in 'English posts'

Data organisation


The way i organize my data has changed a lot over the last years. Way back in the last millennium i had folders for everything. A folder within a folder within folders. And somewhere buried deep within that, my applications, music, pictures, email and whatnot. Although Apple does the best a company can going from […]

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Put your mac to rest via ssh


Sometimes my Macbook decides to wake up from his sleep (a.k.a hibernation). Most of the times i notice this at work when my emails disappear from my imap inbox as applies his rules. As i do not have Apple Remote Desktop or any other VNC server enabled on my Macbook, i do have a […]

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Firefox 3 Mouse Wheel Zoom


Zooming with the CTRL+Mouse Wheel Up/Down has been in inversed in Firefox 3. In version 2 you zoomed in (enlarged the text) with CTRL+Mouse Wheel Down and zoomed out with CTRL+Mouse Wheel Up, its now in Firefox 3 the other way round. The revert back to the old behaviour, change mousewheel.withcontrolkey.numlines = 1 to mousewheel.withcontrolkey.numlines […]

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regex: URL thingy with username, password, host and port


Just in case i do keep forgetting that stuff, here’s a regex for decoding urls like ftp://user:somepass@somehost:someport in Java: final Hashtable<String, Integer> portMap = new Hashtable<String, Integer>(); portMap.put("ftp", 21); portMap.put("sftp", 22);   final Pattern urlPattern = Pattern.compile("(ftp|sftp)://(\\S+):(\\S+)@([\\S&&[^:]]+)(:(\\d+))?");   final Matcher m = urlPattern.matcher(url); if(!m.matches()) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid ftp url!");   final String protocol =; […]

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Rails 2.1: send_file :x_sendfile => true


The “x_sendfile” argument on the send_file method in Rails 2.1 is not well thought off as it has an impact in development mode also. I guess most Rails coders won’t have Apache proxying their mongrels in dev mode and so they don’t get to see any images or files but the plain path information. I’ll […]

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