Update: The plugin is now hosted on Mojohaus, has a new artefact id and thus is automatically available in Maven without to having to supply the group id. I updated the snippets below. The latest version displays also the versions of the plugins being used. I recently stumbled upon the buildplan-maven-plugin and I find it […]
Hej there, yes it’s me, I’m still alive and doing things, such as neo4j-jdbc, with automatic SQL to Cypher translations or building things like this for my own enjoyment. However, with the tons of meaningless posts and stuff around “Hey ma, look how I do AI with $tool”, I felt a bit out of time […]
I have started working with a small team on an exciting project at Neo4j. The project is about database connectivity (what else) and we use Testcontainers in our integration tests, asserting the actual network connectivity and eventually the API. The thing we are creating should of course also work when being compiled as part of […]
The following post is more a less a dump of code. Since version 5.8 the official Neo4j drivers supports expiration of authentication tokens (see Introduce AuthToken rotation and session auth support. The PR states: “The feature might also be referred to as a refresh or re-auth. In practice, it allows replacing the current token with […]
After a long time of blog hiatus, I was in the mood of trying out one of these “The best way to XYZ” posts for once. While Spring Boot 3 and Spring Framework 6 releases have focused a lot on revamping the application context and annotation processing for GraalVM native image compatibility (and “boring” tasks […]