This is a post where i want to collect some new expressions i’m learning on my way to Java 8. Hopefully i’ll keep updating it… Use an IntStream to generate an Array with constant default values // The "() -> 23" is a lambda that matches the functional interface of a Supplier // The the […]
Use the following class to view and modify the settings of the embedded JVM inside an Oracle database. The class has been tested on 10g and 11g, memory settings and information are in Megabyte. SET DEFINE OFF CREATE OR REPLACE AND COMPILE JAVA SOURCE NAMED “MemoryStatistics” AS import oracle.aurora.vm.OracleRuntime; public class MemoryStatistics { public final […]
At the end of last year, Spring Security 3.2 was released and brought a lot of new features, among them a built-in “Cross Site Request Forgery” protection”. Nearly two years earlier i wrote my CSRF protection implementation with Spring Security 3.1, have a look here. I really like the built-in implementation and most of it […]
Note: You’ll find the complete working sources here: Vaadin-SpringSecurityViewProvider. Finally, the 2nd post in my Vaadin & Spring series. This time about describing, instantiating and managing views with and through Spring Security. I’m a big fan of Spring Security as it is – at least for my purposes – incredible easy to add some long […]
This post has been featured on This Week in Spring – March 12, 2013. This is going to be one post in a series regarding integration and usage of the Spring Framework with Vaadin. First of all, thanks to @toberl for giving me a little kickstart to try Vaadin and for his hints for basic […]