While my project is full of pictures, this blog lacks some images and stuff… So for the last post in 2013 and the last commit being from the night before, i’ll add some fun content, a time-lapse of 1433 gitshots since July, 21st. Gitshot? What the heck is a git shot? This post-commit hook: #!/usr/bin/env […]
I recently watched the new Microsoft “Life without walls” spots (have a look at them here) that are directly pointed at Apples “Mac vs. PC” campaign and i must say, i like them. In fact, they are much less arrogant than apples spot. But if you wanna see some real ads, have a look at […]
Apple, Google and you: Hilarious, but true. Although being somewhat different and currently under heavy critic (i.e. here) as far as Apple is concert, both Apples and Googles interface designs are appealing, at least to me and the comic summarize this very well: Do one thing and do this well. The strip was posted here, […]