Update: The plugin is now hosted on Mojohaus, has a new artefact id and thus is automatically available in Maven without to having to supply the group id. I updated the snippets below. The latest version displays also the versions of the plugins being used. I recently stumbled upon the buildplan-maven-plugin and I find it […]
I published my first library on Maven central about 2013. A server side embedding tool for webpages based on OEmbed. I remember how happy and proud I was having published something in binary form “for all eternity”. Maven central is the canonical, default artifact repository for the built tool of the same name, Apache Maven. […]
Wikipedia says: A bill of materials or product structure (sometimes bill of material, BOM or associated list) is a list of the raw materials, sub-assemblies, intermediate assemblies, sub-components, parts, and the quantities of each needed to manufacture an end product. A BOM may be used for communication between manufacturing partners or confined to a single […]
Last weekend, a new version of the Apache Maven Surefire-Plugin has been released: Kudos to @BenediktRitter and @tibor17 for making native #JUnit5 support in @ASFMavenProject Surefire 2.22.0 happen! ✅ Updated the #JUnit Maven samples via https://t.co/IOxKdS57Hk The provider hosted by the @junitteam will be deprecated soon. — Christian Stein (@sormuras) June 16, 2018 The Failsafe-Plugin […]
In this post I’ll show you how to make use of the Official Oracle Database scripts for creating Docker container. We use Maven and the Docker Maven plugin to customize the container further.