All posts tagged with 'Maven'

Maven build plan and execution order


Update: The plugin is now hosted on Mojohaus, has a new artefact id and thus is automatically available in Maven without to having to supply the group id. I updated the snippets below. The latest version displays also the versions of the plugins being used. I recently stumbled upon the buildplan-maven-plugin and I find it […]

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Releasing Maven based projects to Maven central


I published my first library on Maven central about 2013. A server side embedding tool for webpages based on OEmbed. I remember how happy and proud I was having published something in binary form “for all eternity”. Maven central is the canonical, default artifact repository for the built tool of the same name, Apache Maven. […]

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What’s a Bill of Material BOM file?


Wikipedia says: A bill of materials or product structure (sometimes bill of material, BOM or associated list) is a list of the raw materials, sub-assemblies, intermediate assemblies, sub-components, parts, and the quantities of each needed to manufacture an end product. A BOM may be used for communication between manufacturing partners or confined to a single […]

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Maven: Use JUnit 5 with Spring Boot for unit and integration tests


Last weekend, a new version of the Apache Maven Surefire-Plugin has been released: Kudos to @BenediktRitter and @tibor17 for making native #JUnit5 support in @ASFMavenProject Surefire 2.22.0 happen! ✅ Updated the #JUnit Maven samples via The provider hosted by the @junitteam will be deprecated soon. — Christian Stein (@sormuras) June 16, 2018 The Failsafe-Plugin […]

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