All posts tagged with 'Neo4j'

Synchronizing Neo4j causal cluster bookmarks


Neo4j cluster is available in the Neo4j enterprise version and of course in Neo4j Aura. A cluster provides causal consistency via the concept of bookmarks: On executing a transaction, the client can ask for a bookmark which it then presents as a parameter to subsequent transactions. Using that bookmark the cluster can ensure that only […]

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Polyglot programming on the GraalVM


(*) As of now R, Ruby, Python and JavaScript 😉 GraalVM consists of a Java Compiler, a VM and a JDK based on HotSpot/OpenJDK, implemented in Java. These days it’s all about additional execution modes compared to the standard JVM, mainly ahead-of-time compilation and the creation of native images. Native images are an important piece […]

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Spring Data Neo4j, Neo4j-OGM and OSIV


TL;DR: Don’t use Open Session in View with a Neo4j-Cluster If you use Spring Data Neo4j and Neo4j-OGM in your Spring Boot application connectect against a Neo4j cluster (via bolt+routing://, neo4j:// or multiple bolt-uris), configure explicitly to false like this: What is Open Session in View? Vlad Mihalcea has written extensive amounts about […]

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Using Thymeleaf inline JavaScript with D3.js


I gave this talk several times now and every time I got asked how I created this visualization, clustering the genres I’m listening to by decade and country: I just did a super spontaneous video for that. Key take away: Just use server side rendered HTML through Thymeleaf, obviously running on Spring Boot, render the […]

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