All posts tagged with 'PL/SQL'

SQL Snippets


Some useful SQL Snippets: Oracle Create a date without any formatting hassle (like to_date): SELECT DATE’2014-01-01′ FROM dual;select date’2014-01-01′ from dual; Extract values as numbers from a date object SELECT EXTRACT (YEAR FROM DATE’2013-05-06’) FROM dual; SELECT EXTRACT (MONTH FROM DATE’2013-05-06’) FROM dual; SELECT EXTRACT (DAY FROM DATE’2013-05-06’) FROM dual;select extract (year from date’2013-05-06′) from […]

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Java implementation of Excels statistical functions NORMINV


I was recently in need of a java implementation of the inverted normal distribution function, named “NORMINV” in Excel 2003 and later: NORMINV. I only found a JavaScript implementation in kmpm’s repository norminv.js. It has quite a history, coming over C# from C++. I have the impression nobody wants to deal with the mathematics 😉 […]

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How to retrieve tables of custom object types with JDBC


The following is not only a personal reminder for me but also a first try to answer some questions on Stack Overflow… You can create custom object types in an Oracle database like so: CREATE TYPE t_demo_object AS OBJECT ( some_number NUMBER, some_string varchar2(32) ) /CREATE TYPE t_demo_object AS OBJECT ( some_number number, some_string varchar2(32) […]

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Oracle “sleep” procedure: DBMS_LOCK.SLEEP


There’s a nice little “sleep” procedure in Oracle: A procedure that stops the execution of the current thread for n seconds. Strangely, this method can be called in SQL*Plus like so: EXEC dbms_lock.sleep(10);exec dbms_lock.sleep(10); but not in another stored procedure or function like so CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE FOOBAR AS BEGIN DBMS_LOCK.SLEEP(1); END; /CREATE OR […]

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