All posts tagged with 'Ruby'

Turning off x_send_file in development mode


I just discovered the great x_send_file plugin and technique and use it extensivly for daily fratze. I replaced the majority of send_file calls with x_send_file but not all (the in memory thingies i serve cannot be send through apache). This works great in production mode but in development mode, it fails as there is no […]

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Using rubyzip to create zip files on the fly


In my Daily Fratze project the users should be able to download their faces as a zip file backup. Until now they have been able to upload zip files. For that, i used rubyzip which worked quite well. As a starting point i found a nice article on the joy of rubyzip, but this has […]

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Don’t make that sad smilie cry even more


Escaping single quotes in ruby is the same mess as in java: puts ":'(".gsub(’\”, ‘\\\\\”)puts ":'(".gsub(‘\”, ‘\\\\\”) I needed this to make the smilies after my comment box (here) clickable. Shortly after that, i found escape_javascript, maybe it still comes in handy.

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