The Oracle Query Optimizer does a great job in rewriting Queries. For example the nested subquery in SELECT C.cust_last_name, C.country_id FROM customers C WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sales S WHERE S.quantity_sold > 1000 AND S.cust_id = C.cust_id);SELECT C.cust_last_name, C.country_id FROM customers C WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sales S WHERE S.quantity_sold > 1000 and […]
To use SQL*Plus Windows correctly, export NLS_LANG like so: set NLS_LANG=GERMAN_GERMANY.WE8MSWIN1252 If you prefer the command line client SQL*Plus, export NLS_LANG like so: set NLS_LANG=GERMAN_GERMANY.WE8PC850
As often, a quick reminder for me. I’m using the Oracle Instaclient on my Mac without a tnsnames.ora and i keep forgetting the connectstring syntax: sqlplus USER/PASS@//HOST:PORT/SIDsqlplus USER/PASS@//HOST:PORT/SID Extra bonus points: Through in rlwrap to get a nice commandline history and completion as used to in a standard shell: rlwrap sqlplus USER/PASS@//HOST:PORT/SIDrlwrap sqlplus USER/PASS@//HOST:PORT/SID
What’s all the fuss about this SQL Injection thing? It boils down getting some malicious crafted SQL code into the SQL code of an application, destroying data or authenticate yourself without knowing any real password. xkdc has a nice explanation. The simple cases base on wrong escaped strings and the like. But as this SQL […]