All posts tagged with 'Websocket'

Spring: Provide Interoperability between JMS and Springs simple WebSocket messaging


Nearly 2 years ago, excellent WebSocket Support appeared in Spring 4, easily usable using STOMP over Websockets / SockJS on the client side, backed by a pluggable broker on the server side, which can either be simple broker using scheduled executor services to handle message or a full fledged RabbitMQ or ActiveMQ solution. Using @EnableWebSocketMessageBroker@EnableWebSocketMessageBroker […]

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Messaging and Websockets with Spring 4


This is the third Post in my series Developing a web application with Spring Boot, AngularJS and Java 8. My old application had a J2ME(!) companion on my dump phone that send my location to the app, showing it on the page. This was 2009… Before my iPhone time. Planning a longer bike tour in […]

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