2 weeks ago, i flew over to beautiful Barcelona, visiting Spring I/O, one of the (if not the) largest Spring and Groovy related conferences in Europe, primary organized by Sergi Almar.
I’m now running a user group for a year now which is mostly fun but takes some time if you want to do it right. I don’t want to imagine the work that Sergi pour into a full 2 day conference. Thanks a lot for it, it was well prepared and executed, from the speaker event, the event itself and the after show. Thanks a lot.
It was nice that my talked was scheduled right after the keynote, little time to build tension for me. The keynote by Stéphane Nicoll and Phillip Webb was really great and entertaining, though they said a lot about Boot that I wanted to mention 😉 Also Jürgen Höller was there and talked about present and future Spring and set the topic for larger parts of the conference: Reactive programming with Spring.
I was more than glad seeing Phillip and Stéphane at my talk and having their feedback. Thanks again. My talk was basically around about wether it’s “magic” or just really good design for extending Spring Boot and you’ll find it at my Github repository here: It’s a kind of magic? – Custom Spring Boot Starter:
Here’s a screenshot of the last step of the demo, in case you’ve missed it:

My conclusion: I’m very glad that I took the step “outside” my blog and I’ll happily do it again. In case you want me to speak at your JUG or similar event, just drop me a line.
The “rest” of the conference was really enjoyable. I learnt a lot about what “Reactive” actually is, what the current state of Spring Framework is and how the framework is evolved yet another time to work “as used to” and at the same time will be innovative. Listening to the people from the Spring core team was great and it was actually as kind as described here.
Daniel Fernández from the Thymeleaf project was there as well and spoke about the new features in Thymeleaf 3.0. I really like Thymeleaf (although I don’t think that JSPs have been bad, actually), but I wonder if it’s a good idea to extend Thymeleaf into doing JavaScript generation. We’ll see.
Here are some more posts I found about the conference:
- Spring I/O 2016 Barcelona – Day 1
- Spring I/O 2016 Barcelona – Day 2
- Spring I/O 2016 the conference
- Spring I/O 2016
Now I’m eagerly looking forward for the videos of the talks and pictures being uploaded somewhere… I’m really excited if I can stand to watch myself 🙂
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[…] having some great friends in the community but I never spoke. I changed that for good in May at Spring I/O and it was a great event. Thank you Sergi for putting your trust in me and René Glen from above […]
[…] myself feel blessed and lucky. 2 years ago, I was invited to speak at Spring I/O 2016 about Spring Boot starter. First public talk ever and from there on the ride got a bit crazy. 15 […]
[…] a library, containing some cool services. When you add this library via a custom starter, you would be hopefully aware, that the starter can add many things to your context. You could […]
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