Releasing Maven based projects to Maven central

February 5, 2021 by Michael

I published my first library on Maven central about 2013. A server side embedding tool for webpages based on OEmbed. I remember how happy and proud I was having published something in binary form “for all eternity”.

Maven central is the canonical, default artifact repository for the built tool of the same name, Apache Maven. Until configured otherwise, Maven tries to resolve dependencies from there.

The company behind sponsoring and running Maven central is Sonatype. Back in 2013 (and also 2018) account approval to release things to central was manual and involved resolving of ownership of the reverse DNS name. All of that is centered around preventing the hijacking of coordinates (read along here) to prevent people from tricking other people into using malicious software.

The whole process to be a producer starts here: The central repository: Producers. It’s explained in great detail.

Releasing to central also involves going through something called staging repositories and the process associated with it. it can be done through an UI (OSS Sonatype) or via plugins for Maven.

This week, another company, JFrog, announced that they are shutting down Bintray / JCenter. I was aware that Bintray and JCenter are around and are often used within Gradle projects. Apart from that, I only used one of JFrogs products, Artifactory, in a company as a local Maven central mirror and local deploy and release target.

People seem to have used JCenter and Bintray because the release process seems less strict and they found the Maven central way of doing things too hard. Other voices have been raised that Maven central is often slow. I cannot confirm the later, though.

I am writing down the following remarks to demonstrate that it is not that hard to publish your libraries on Maven central after getting across the initial setup.

First of all, read the above link “Producer” to get your coordinates registered for you.

I did not go through the UI of Sonatype for quite some time. The libraries I put myself onto central are all released via the Maven release plugin.

To get this up and running, your pom.xml has to fit some requirements. Especially, the meta data has to be complete. This should be the first step.

Further requirements are: Javadoc and sources must be present. The artifacts must not come in a snapshot form and they must not depend on anything not being on Maven central. Also, the artifacts must signed via GPG (See all of this here).

For my personal needs I have configured to a local release profile in my ~/.m2/settings.xml containing my username on and encrypted password. This goes into the list of <servers> like this:


Also in settings.xml, the GPG credentials.

<!--        <gpg.passphrase>XXXX</gpg.passphrase> -->
<!-- Or better via an agent -->

This turns out to be one of the hardest part to get right. I always have to look this up for CI or a new machine.

So, for the projects pom: Make sure you follow the requirements for the meta data and configure the necessary plugins for JavaDoc, sources and signature.

The libraries I put on central have basically all this information:


org.sonatype.plugins:nexus-staging-maven-plugin does all the heavy lifting behind the scenes as it hooks up to the release phases. I keep the gpg plugin in a separate profile so that users of my libraries are not pestered with it when they just want to build some stuff locally.

After all this is done, you can release your things in a two step process via `mvn release:prepare` followed by a `man release:perform`. The tooling will guide you through setting the current version and update your things to a new snapshot version.

I won’t go into the discussion whether the repeated tests runs are meaning full or not or whether not using the release plugin at all makes sense or not. I currently maintain projects than are run with CI friendly versions and released via other tooling to central and a couple of things released as described above.

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  1. Java Weekly, Issue 372 | Baeldung on February 21, 2021 at 8:03 AM

    […] >> Releasing Maven Based Projects to Maven Central [] […]

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