Lately, German publisher dpunkt.verlag reached out to me wether I’d think it’s a good idea translating Joshua Blochs Effective Java 3rd edition (Partnerlink) to German. Effective Java has been on my Good reads list for a while now and I read the first edition in 2003 or 2004, don’t remember exactly when. I hopefully learned […]
Hard to believe, May is already gone. The month was pretty though for me, it startet with a bike crash for me, that cost me a bike and some time at the doctors. Interviews and articles I was very happy about publications at Heise Developer. First of all there has been a recap about JavaLand […]
We’re only in for 4 months in 2018 and I can not believe all the stuff already happened. I did one final iteration of my talk about Spring Boot starters at JUG Saxony in Leipzig. It was their 100th meet up and the welcomed me with great hospitality. I was very happy to meet my […]
March 2018 was a damn crazy month. It began with the release of Spring Boot 2.0 which meant big congratulations to the whole Spring Boot team and more work on my side: I’ve updated all examples for the Spring Boot Buch, went through the manuscript one last time and sent it to my publisher. I’ve […]
Code examples, when nicely executed, are a good and valid alternative to live coding. In the end, when you’re not Venkat or Josh, what is live coding anyway? Most of the time one does rehearse the code anyway 😉 Before you add code to your slides, have a look at this presentation by Uri Native […]