July was something between the 7th and 8th month of working on the Spring Boot Buch and by far the most crazy one. I started the first draft of an outline by late November and early December 2016, shortly before reaching out to publishers. After deciding for dpunkt.verlag I did some milestone planing and as […]
June was a very though month. I did quite some traveling and thus had hardly time for biking. Cycling wise worst June ever, below 300km in total. Spring Boot Buch Two weeks ago I received several drafts for the cover and I’m quite happy with them and already decided for one. (By the way, I […]
Yesterday evening I tweeted about my mouse’ battery being drained which caused a lot of tweets. In the end, Ralf asked, what makes you productive? just curious:what makes you productive 1/2? — Ralf D. Müller™ (@RalfDMueller) June 18, 2017 General workflow I know and use a lot of shortcuts, wether being it in an IDE, […]
I recently needed a database including a huge schema for demo in a very short notice of time. I know know how to run expd/impd but that brings usually hassle regarding users, schemas and so on. As some of you might know I’m using Oracles Database Images for Docker for quite some time now (first […]
May has been a busy month for which I had covering Spring Security for the book on my agenda. You already can see the examples of that chapter here github.com/springbootbuch/security. I think there are some really useful configurations inside. As a matter of fact, shortly after I began that chapter, Spring Security 5.0 M1 has […]