After a long time of blog hiatus, I was in the mood of trying out one of these “The best way to XYZ” posts for once. While Spring Boot 3 and Spring Framework 6 releases have focused a lot on revamping the application context and annotation processing for GraalVM native image compatibility (and “boring” tasks […]
Markus Winand has blogged about tool support for keyset pagination nearly a decade ago and of course my friend Lukas Eder has picked up that topic and did not only blog about it several times but implemented tool support with the the synthetic seek-clause of jOOQ. As the seek clause in jOOQ is excellent for […]
While listening to the beautiful Kahedi Radio Show, I’m having a hard time this week to put down words; I feel done for the year. Wrt music, one interesting documentary I watched last week was this: It’s about the ever increasing prices of concert tickets and about the business of Ticketmaster, Livenation and Eventim. And […]
This has been a somewhat bleak and dark week and I’m not feeling overall happy, I have to say. The weekend was pretty excellent with me doing the ATG-Winterlauf for the forth time: Despite being now way too much over 40, I just got faster every time. 16km with a pace of 4:16. That is […]
It’s getting bleak outside but as you might have guessed, it does not stop me from getting outside. Last week I managed to increase my Veloviewer maximum square to 40×40 tiles. That is kinda of an online game connected to Strava. I am a big fan of both services. The goal with the squad is […]