All posts in 'English posts'

Documenting your API with Spring REST Docs


We’ve been using apiDoc.js in a project for a while. While the resulting documentation looks neat, it has several drawbacks in our Java project. It depends on the full blown NPM stack, doesn’t fit well in a Maven build stack. It can be done via the grunt-maven-plugin and a gruntfile.js, but this is very hard […]

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Super simple Java bean tester


This is not about bean testing is effective, right or whatever. Just assume you want your Java beans tested, for example to achieve full code coverage. There are some solutions out there and I used to use the BeanLikeTester but the library and i have different opinions about the hashCode/equals contract so i decided to […]

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Thoughts about architecture


Most people slice their cakes like this: Image by Elaine Ashton and in most cases not horizontally but still many developers, like i did in the past, slice their packages that way. Really, just slapping classes into packages named “Model”, “View” and “Controller” doesn’t implement that pattern. @jensschauder has written much more eloquent than i […]

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jOOQ and Spring: Manage your RecordMappers as @Components


Lately i’ve been evaluating jOOQ as a core database tool for ENERKO Informatik. Though i’ve got quite some experience (and good experience!) with Hibernate and Spring Data JPA, we have some projects around that are quite old but not outdated. They are in need for an UI/UX and some architectural make over, but the data […]

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