Change of perspective: A NetBeans testimonial
23-Apr-15This post is long overdue since JavaOne 2014. I’m not getting payed for it, it’s more a thank-you to the whole NetBeans team for bringing some fun back into my everyday coding life. I’ve been an Eclipse user for a long time, i think way back 10 years ago when it didn’t have a name […]
First talk at EuregJUG Maas-Rhine: “Building Modular Java Applications in the Cloud Age”
20-Apr-15May i bring the first talk at the newly founded EuregJUG Maas-Rhine to your attention: “Building Modular Java Applications in the Cloud Age” will be held by @bertertman on Thursday, May 28th, 2015 at BitStars HQ, Hanbrucher Str. 40 in Aachen: Would be great to meet some of you, i really hope we get this […]
What’s the fuss with Java 8 Optional?
I’ve been asked several times lately by colleagues what the Optional<T> is good for, so today some more basic stuff. You can use the Optional class is as an elaborate null check like Optional<String> optionalString = Optional.ofNullable(someString); if(optionalString.isPresent()) { String string = optionalString.get(); } // Or worse // String string = optionalString.orElse(null); // null […]
Destroying what you love to do…
14-Apr-15This is probably gonna be an exceptional personal post. I love coding. I live and breath this. My mind is a bastard, it seldom sits down and does nothing. There are endless possibilities out there, coming to it through my wonderful timeline, blogs, reddit and more. New technologies i want to learn, new things i […]