All posts in 'English posts'

Enabling tooltips on a JTree


Thinks i keep forgetting. Today: Enabling a JTree in J2SE to show different tooltips on his nodes: 1. Create a custom tree renderer like so: import java.awt.Component;   import javax.swing.JTree; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer;   public class TooltipTreeRenderer extends DefaultTreeCellRenderer { @Override public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value, boolean sel, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int […]

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Absurdistan (2)


Behold, here comes the iPhone app all retards have been waiting for: I Am Rich. Actually, i think it’s kinda funny, although i guess some people won’t get the joke. Edit: Oh and by the way, it seems, you’re never alone as the iPhone keeps iphoning ihome. ipuke, iguess.

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Sony Ericsson C702: Show received and send traffic


Once again, a quick reminder for myself: Howto display the internet traffic on your Sony Ericsson C702: Menü, #, 4th Tab, 5 (On a german phone: “Einstellungen / Anrufe / Zeit und Kosten”) I guess that works with other SEs like K800i and K850i. I remember an old SE that i had which always displayed […]

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Make XQuartz more usable

This post is an update to Make usable on a mac: The “Click through” property on both Apples X11 and the X11 provided by XQuartz is not set. This leads to the fact, that you have to click on each X11 window twice: First activating it, 2nd pushing a button or whatever else. I […]

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