I published my first library on Maven central about 2013. A server side embedding tool for webpages based on OEmbed. I remember how happy and proud I was having published something in binary form “for all eternity”. Maven central is the canonical, default artifact repository for the built tool of the same name, Apache Maven. […]
My eldest kid – 11 at the time of writing – has been into Minecraft for some time now. I tried to motivate him on various ages to do some kinda programming with me. We tried Scratch, Lego Mindstorms (one of the few sets that is gathering dust) and a couple of other things. We […]
A couple of weeks ago, I received a paper copy of “Hacking with Spring Boot 2.3 – Reactive Edition” by Greg L. Turnquist. Greg sent this copy to me free of charge for a review. Thanks for that! I’m happy about the opportunity to read a new Spring Boot book after I published one myself […]
TL;DR: Don’t use Open Session in View with a Neo4j-Cluster If you use Spring Data Neo4j and Neo4j-OGM in your Spring Boot application connectect against a Neo4j cluster (via bolt+routing://, neo4j:// or multiple bolt-uris), configure spring.data.neo4j.open-in-view explicitly to false like this: spring.data.neo4j.open-in-view=false What is Open Session in View? Vlad Mihalcea has written extensive amounts about […]
Over the last weekend, I had some time on my hands and revisited my biking application: https://biking.michael-simons.eu. That application turned 10 this year, started as a Sinatra based Ruby application in 2009 and helped me a lot from the late 2013 and early 2014 in my career. Back then, I was using Spring for a […]