March 2018 was a damn crazy month. It began with the release of Spring Boot 2.0 which meant big congratulations to the whole Spring Boot team and more work on my side: I’ve updated all examples for the Spring Boot Buch, went through the manuscript one last time and sent it to my publisher. I’ve […]
This post has been featured on This Week in Spring – February 20th, 2018 and I’m feel honored to be referred as “Spring community legend” but even more so to be listed next to a lot of people who’s work I use on a daily basis. Thanks, Josh. Tim from Ordina posted a nice blog […]
November has been a crazy month. Even though I joined Ralf in his Movember team and grew a mustache, I visited the JUG Münster at LVM Münster and gave my talk about SQL once again in a slightly updated version: It felt very good being part of innoQ on this occasion. Also very nice was […]
Available since Java 1.5 is the nice helper class EnumSet and I still find code like this way to often: public class Foo { enum Thing { A, B, C } public static final Set<Thing> THINGS = new HashSet<>(); static { THINGS.add(Thing.A); THINGS.add(Thing.B); THINGS.add(Thing.C); } }public class Foo { enum Thing { A, B, […]
This post has been featured on This Week in Spring – November 28th, 2017. Lately I have been preparing a small project called simple-meetup that I plan to use for different purposes. You’ll find the repository at GitHub: It’s the first project where I used Gradle very intensive and I like my build file […]