A bit hidden away in the release notes of Git 2.13 but found by my friend Michael Vitz from INNOQ is the not so new anymore feature of conditional configuration respectively conditional includes. Git has several levels of configuration: System wide, per user, per repository and finally, on each individual command invocation. If a values […]
The examples that I’m gonna use throughout my book are already out in the wild and getting not only feedback, but also pull requests from the community. Checkout the GitHub org: github.com/springbootbuch/. I’m more than happy to add YOURS 🙂
Without any comment on which style is right, you can use GNU util expand / unexpand to replace tabs with spaces and vice versa. For example, you can use the following command to replace all tabs with spaces and the recommended 8 spaces width in all Java files through find . -name ‘*.java’ ! -type […]
If you’re using a StompBrokerRelay on the MessageBrokerRegistry, be careful with your dependencies: If you’re using Spring Boot 1.2.x, you must have <dependency> <groupId>org.projectreactor</groupId> <artifactId>reactor-net</artifactId> </dependency><dependency> <groupId>org.projectreactor</groupId> <artifactId>reactor-net</artifactId> </dependency> on the classpath, in case of Spring Boot 1.3.x, which depends on Spring 4.2 which depends on Reactor 2, it must be <dependency> <groupId>io.projectreactor</groupId> <artifactId>reactor-net</artifactId> </dependency> […]
To get somewhat more detailed CPU information on your Mac than the system profiler shows, use the following command: sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_stringsysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string