This post has been featured on This Week in Spring – October 13, 2015. Stéphane Nicoll, working at Pivotal, using Spring since early as 2007 and creating Spring Boot with others since 2014 came over from Liege for the third talk at Aachens EuregJUG this year. Stéphane had only two slides with him, the rest […]
Geertjan Wielenga, who was inherited by Oracle from Sun and is now working as a product manager inside the NetBeans team, gave us the pleasure visiting the Euregio for the second talk at the EuregJUG that went by the title “Free Open Source Tools for Maven, HTML5, IoT and Java EE”. We had 28 registered […]
Geertjan Wielenga (read his bio here) from Oracle comes to Aachen on August 25th for giving a presentation about NetBeans titled “Free Open Source Tools for Maven, HTML5, IoT and Java EE” at the EuregJUG. After writing my own NetBeans testimonial some days ago, i’m very happy to meet him in person once again. The […]
Earlier this year Stefan Pfeiffer aka @dl1ely approached me, if I would be interested in a Java User Group (JUG) in Aachen, set up as a cross-border, english-language JUG. My spontaneous reaction was something like “sure, great idea”. Becoming a group member of the iJUG was pretty straight forward, something i wanted to do as […]
May i bring the first talk at the newly founded EuregJUG Maas-Rhine to your attention: “Building Modular Java Applications in the Cloud Age” will be held by @bertertman on Thursday, May 28th, 2015 at BitStars HQ, Hanbrucher Str. 40 in Aachen: Would be great to meet some of you, i really hope we get this […]