All posts tagged with 'SQL'

Yet another incarnation of my ongoing scrobbles


These days my computer work is mostly concerned with all things Neo4j. Being it Spring Data Neo4j, the Cypher DSL, our integration with other frameworks and tooling or general internal things, among them being part of the Cypher language group. In contrast to a couple of years, I don’t spent that much time around a […]

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Music 2020. Wrapped.


Everyone and their dog is posting their Spotify Wrapped thing. It’s 2020, i still don’t have Spotify, but despite my increasing age, I still listen to a ton of music. When I started to work remotely back in 2018, one of the biggest perks for me was – apart from not having to commute – […]

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Query all the things


Over the last weekend, I had some time on my hands and revisited my biking application: That application turned 10 this year, started as a Sinatra based Ruby application in 2009 and helped me a lot from the late 2013 and early 2014 in my career. Back then, I was using Spring for a […]

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