May 2018: Interviews, Spring I/O and more

On being a mentor, some thoughts about architecture and application metrics
May 28, 2018 by Michael

Hard to believe, May is already gone. The month was pretty though for me, it startet with a bike crash for me, that cost me a bike and some time at the doctors.

Interviews and articles

I was very happy about publications at Heise Developer. First of all there has been a recap about JavaLand 2018 and the mentoring program in which I took part: Die jungen Wilden pt. 2.

Next was an interview conducted by Thorben Janssen with me, also for Heise Developer: Im Gespräch: Michael Simons über Spring Boot 2 und sein neues Buch. Thanks a lot for that, Thorben!

There was another interview I did during JAX last month with the JAXenter: Michael Simons über Softwarearchitektur. My series of articles about Spring Boot 2 has been translated to English for the international version of JAXenter as well: part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4.

And last but not least, I wrote a piece for Informatik Aktuell about 4 years of Spring Boot: 4 Jahre Spring Boot.

My book is available on Amazon, as paperback and Kindle-Edition.

Spring I/O 2018

I did travel a lot in May, some holiday, but also work. I was at Spring I/O again, this time with a session about Micrometer:

Micrometer and metrics are a super interesting topic. I put a lot of effort into this talk and into the demo. To my personal disappointment, I delivered the talk not as good as I wished. The month with it’s bad start and the traveling took a bigger toll on me than expected. Anyway. I tried something new and published my personal transcribed for the talk as well, find it here. The sources for the demo are – as always – on GitHub.

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