If you reset your Microsoft Surface Pro 4 to factory defaults for whatever reasons you might end up like me: In an endless boot loop or the reset process being stuck at 7% (or, if you choose to erase everything, at 31%), this solution worked for me: Download the recovery image for your device and […]
I’ve been using Wro4j by Alex Objelean for more than 4 years now in a “classic” Spring application, see my post from January 2012 here. The tool has been immensely useful and stable. With my setup at dailyfratze.de, i can disable concatenation and minification during development and have optimized resources during production without much hassle. […]
Since March 2015 Stefan and i are building the EuregJUG Maas-Rhine, a cross-border, english-language Java User Group, located in Aachen. I’ve been blogging about regularly since then (see all posts here) and it’s developing quite well so far. We had 4 well visited talks, nice meetings in between and good conversations. We noticed some problems, […]
2015 is coming to end, at least regarding work. The last things i did in December where preparing system specification for a mobile app (targeting BlackBerry) and learning how to create, communicate and maintain good architecture in Munich with Gernot Starke and Peter Hruschka: Not only i took home a lot of great books, insides, […]
If you’re using a StompBrokerRelay on the MessageBrokerRegistry, be careful with your dependencies: If you’re using Spring Boot 1.2.x, you must have <dependency> <groupId>org.projectreactor</groupId> <artifactId>reactor-net</artifactId> </dependency><dependency> <groupId>org.projectreactor</groupId> <artifactId>reactor-net</artifactId> </dependency> on the classpath, in case of Spring Boot 1.3.x, which depends on Spring 4.2 which depends on Reactor 2, it must be <dependency> <groupId>io.projectreactor</groupId> <artifactId>reactor-net</artifactId> </dependency> […]