All posts in 'English posts'



Hi, long time no see… I really had a lot of work to do, been doing some freelance work in the nighttime and then there’s certainly my family. And apart from that, my current setup for this years projects is working quite well, thanks to Spring Boot and NetBeans for example. Recently i had some […]

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JaCoCo, Maven and NetBeans 8 integration


I was looking for a nice solution to measure the code coverage in my Spring Boot biking project. It should support Java 8, Maven and for added bonus, my IDE. I ended up using JaCoCo respectively the Maven plugin. If you expect a lengthier post, i must disappoint you. All that was need to turn […]

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Java 8: Grouping stuff


I needed a function to sum (and therefor group) the values of a map of objects to Integers. My first solution was something like As you can see, i use the collect method with a custom supplier, accumulator and combiner. The supplier prepares a new map, the accumulator takes the map and an entry and […]

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