While listening to the beautiful Kahedi Radio Show, I’m having a hard time this week to put down words; I feel done for the year. Wrt music, one interesting documentary I watched last week was this: It’s about the ever increasing prices of concert tickets and about the business of Ticketmaster, Livenation and Eventim. And […]
This has been a somewhat bleak and dark week and I’m not feeling overall happy, I have to say. The weekend was pretty excellent with me doing the ATG-Winterlauf for the forth time: Despite being now way too much over 40, I just got faster every time. 16km with a pace of 4:16. That is […]
It’s getting bleak outside but as you might have guessed, it does not stop me from getting outside. Last week I managed to increase my Veloviewer maximum square to 40×40 tiles. That is kinda of an online game connected to Strava. I am a big fan of both services. The goal with the squad is […]
I have been publishing linux-aarch64 of Neo4j-Migrations for a while now. I am unsure if there are many people using it, but one scenario is other CI/CD based on Linux ARM infrastructure in which those binaries might come in handy. Those binaries are build with GraalVM using the official setup-graalvm action from Oracle Labs. For […]
A while ago I had the opportunity to publish a post in the GraalVMs Medium blog titled The many ways of polyglot programming with GraalVM which is still accurate. A year later, the GraalVM just got better in many dimensions: Faster, supporting JDK17 and I think its documentation is now quite stellar. Have a look […]