Sometimes my teammate Gerrit teases me “Don’t you know this and that as a Java Champion?”… Of course I don’t. Honestly, the older I get, the better I know that I know nothing. This week has been interesting. At first, I stumbled upon something like this A shortcut to System properties public interface Stuff { […]
I have been doing some research with GraalVM and I noticed that RC14 brings an Info.plist inside it’s contents folder. That’s a nice thing to have, as it automatically registers it if you unzip it into /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines as a JDK 8 implementation, but a nasty surprise when using /usr/libexec/java_home -v1.8 to configure your JAVA_HOME, which […]
In the summer of 2018, I joined Neo4j. This seems odd at first, my “love” for relational databases and SQL is known. I didn’t have this slide in my jOOQ presentation for two years now without reason. But: Looking at the jOOQ and SQL talks from the perspective of early 2000s, they also seemed odd […]
I have written a book about Spring Boot 2, taught Spring Boot 2 at customer but haven’t had time yet to update to use Spring Boot 2. That project is – in it’s current Spring based incarnation – with me since the first early access releases of Java 8 and the first betas and […]
Lately, German publisher dpunkt.verlag reached out to me wether I’d think it’s a good idea translating Joshua Blochs Effective Java 3rd edition (Partnerlink) to German. Effective Java has been on my Good reads list for a while now and I read the first edition in 2003 or 2004, don’t remember exactly when. I hopefully learned […]