Spring Boots Configuration Metadata with Kotlin
The featured image on this post is from Cycologygear. I love their shirts and have several of them. Highly recommended products. If you need some new jerseys, go check their shop! Some days ago, Simon Maple asked the following question on Twitter: I need to lose weight. I need to be held accountable when I […]
I have written a book about Spring Boot 2, taught Spring Boot 2 at customer but haven’t had time yet to update biking.michael-simons.eu to use Spring Boot 2. That project is – in it’s current Spring based incarnation – with me since the first early access releases of Java 8 and the first betas and […]
A bit hidden away in the release notes of Git 2.13 but found by my friend Michael Vitz from INNOQ is the not so new anymore feature of conditional configuration respectively conditional includes. Git has several levels of configuration: System wide, per user, per repository and finally, on each individual command invocation. If a values […]
Last weekend, a new version of the Apache Maven Surefire-Plugin has been released: Kudos to @BenediktRitter and @tibor17 for making native #JUnit5 support in @ASFMavenProject Surefire 2.22.0 happen! ✅ Updated the #JUnit Maven samples via https://t.co/IOxKdS57Hk The provider hosted by the @junitteam will be deprecated soon. — Christian Stein (@sormuras) June 16, 2018 The Failsafe-Plugin […]